Project Description

Peter Woerpel has passion for all things Onalaska after spending his entire career in the School District of Onalaska (1978-2011) culminating in serving as the Onalaska High School Principal for 11 years.
As the high school principal Peter worked collaboratively with staff to implement the modified block schedule, developed the OASIS alternative school, started the LINK program to provide mentors to freshmen, and initiated a professional learning community structure at Onalaska High School. He also worked with community partners to institute the school resource officer program as well as place a defibrillator in each school in the district. Peter place a tremendous emphasis on student voice; he started the senior advisory committee to review school life and worked to create new traditions that honored senior leadership. He made it a focus to attend and support student performances in athletics, fine arts and other co-curricular events. All of his actions as principal reflected his passion and pride for Onalaska student achievement and success. He led with exceptional compassion for students and staff, particularly during tragic events.
After his retirement in 2011, Peter stayed active in support of Onalaska High School as a member of the Onalaska High School Alumni Association, a leader in the Onalaska Education Foundation and was part of the taskforce that wrote the bylaws for the creation of the Onalaska Hilltopper Athletic Booster Club. In retirement he also has been an American Red Cross Disaster Team Volunteer (2012-2015), a Coulee Region Humane Society Pet Therapy Volunteer and a La Crosse County Judicial System Bailiff. Peter and his wife, Deb, have been married since 1976, have two daughters (Maggie and Cassie) and five grandchildren.
Induction Classification: Teacher/Principal
Induction Year: 2023
Nominations for the Wall of Excellence are accepted every year in the spring. Past nominations that have not been inducted can be nominated for consideration. There can be up to three inductees per year. The induction ceremonies are held in the fall as part of the homecoming festivities.
Calling All Onalaska Alumni! Send Us Your Updated Contact Info!
The Alumni Association partners with Onalaska High School to keep updated records of alumni. This helps individual classes with connecting for class reunions as well as the All-Class Reunion held every three years. Click on the button to send us your updated contact information.